The determined little seed


Once there was a little seed, determined to be exactly what it was meant to be.

A big, strong and powerful tree.

Envisioning itself being at its full potential, giving shelter and fruits, colours and smells, new life in abundance.

It’s vision reached far and wide. Until the one day it met the mind of the ones that could make its big dream reality.

It knew the dream could only become real, if it landed on the earth in the right hands.

Hands that would let it be exactly what it was meant to be. Hands that didn’t grasp it for their own greed. Hands that would honour, carry and always be humble to the great mystery.

Aware of both its mighty power and its fragility,

This brave little seed let itself fall, tumbling trough the sky, on its way to the Earth.

And it trusted, deeply, that everything would be, exactly as it was meant to be

Door Linda Schaap 

Beginnende gemeenschap Onder de Eik

Visualisatie door Anaïs Ribeyre

Stichting Onder de Eik

Stichting Onder de Eik is opgericht voor de aankoop en het beheer van Willem’s Hoeve op de Weg achter de Es 5 in Uffelte. Ten doel stelt de stichting het faciliteren en stimuleren van een duurzame, levendige woon-, werk-, en leefgemeenschap voor meerdere generaties.


Voedselbos en zwemvijver

Inheemse planten, vergeten soorten, welkome nieuwelingen, bruisend waterleven en eetbare tuinen.